Nanotech Laboratory




Takahiro Namazu received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in mechanicalengineering from Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu,
Japan, in 1997, 1999, and 2002, respectively. From 2002 to 2006, he was an Assistant Professor with the Department of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Hyogo, Himeji, Japan. In 2007, he became an Associate Professor at the university. In 2010, he joined the Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (PRESTO) program, “Nanosystems and Emergent Functions” of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, as a Researcher. In the PRESTO program, his research theme is the emergence of self-propagating exothermic nanostructures for future microdevice industry and human life. In 2016, he became a Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, Toyota, Japan. He is currently engaged in studies on functional film materials, such as self-propagating exothermic materials, and their applications to MEMS. His research interests also include the development of material testing techniques for measuring the mechanical properties of micro/nanoscale materials, and the evaluation of the reliability of MEMS and semiconductor devices.
In 2006, he received “The Society of Materials Science, Japan (JSMS) Award for Promising Researchers” and “JSMS Kansai Branch President Award” from JSMS, for his contributions to the micro/nanoscale materials science field in Japan. He earned the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award Nomination from Transducers 2013 held in Barcelona, Spain, and also earned the Best Paper Award from the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, Japan.In 2015,he became a Specialist in Experimental Mechanics in JSEM.



生津 資大

工学部機械学科 教授  

上杉 晃生


金築 俊介


神谷 亮太

修士1年 M1

訓谷 保宏

学部4年 B4

後藤 大輝

学部4年 B4

寺澤 亮介

学部4年 B4

鷹見 亮汰

学部4年 B4

井出 知秀

学部4年 B4

北村 遼太郎

学部4年 B4

木村 将希

学部4年 B4

野村 拓未

学部4年 B4

別府 幸

学部4年 B4

松尾 彰大

学部4年 B4

松尾 良輝

学部4年 B4

望月 陽

学部4年 B4

鉾井 由美子


進藤 美知子
