Internet Basics for ESL Students
Lesson 11
Mailing ListsDictionary
Keywords: computer, file, save, delete, send, receive, subscribe.
Dialogue 1: Subscribing to a Mailing List
Reading: Mailing lists or discussion groups exist for people to share information about a topic like Linux . People subscribe to lists and make friends.
Sample of Listserv Lists:
List Name: Address: Comments: Multi-L listserv@barilvm.bitnet Language and multi-lingual learning Tesl-L listserv@cunyvm.bitnet Teaching English as a Second Language
You can get a complete list of lists by sending an Email to with no subject and the following in the body of the mail:
list global
but be careful, the list is over 1 MB in size!
Dialogue 2: Un-subscribe from a mailing list
Pair work. Practice the conversation.
Mary: How do I get off this mailing list? It isn't interesting.
Linda: Did you save the first message the Listproc computer sent you?
Mary: I don't remember. Why?
Linda: The first message has all the information you need for changing your list options and un-subscribing.
Mary: Well, I hope I saved it!
Exercise: This is an archived message from a mailing list:
Re: File upload from a Web browser
Rob Hartill (
Wed. 12 Jul 95 9:47:43 MDT
Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ]
Next message: Larry Master: ãRe: File upload from a Web browserä
Previous message: ãPC serversä In reply to:
Patrick Petite: ãFile upload from a Web browserä Next in thread:
Larry Masinter: ãRe: File upload from a Web browseräPatrick Petite
> Hi,
> I am using this list to get some advice on the
> following problem.
> I need an application to let you
> upload a file to my server.Don't wait for the developers to give you a file upload option. It's impossible for most service providers.
Next message: Larry Master: ãRe: File upload from a Web browser
Previous message: ãPC serversä In reply to:
Patrick Petite: ãFile upload from a Web browserä Next in thread:
Larry Master: ãRe: File upload from a Web browserä----------------------------------------------------------------
Group work:
Search the Internet for a mailing list about something you enjoy.How do you paint a picture?