

The IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems announces a forthcoming special section on Formal Approach to be published in May 2016.
 Formal methods and techniques play a key role in designing and developing highly reliable information systems and embedded systems. The last decades have seen various new techniques and profound theoretical results using formal methods in surprisingly many fields such as modeling, requirements analysis, specification, automatic generation of codes, test, verification, maintenance, and reuse. They are rapidly extending their application domains as a result of the recent growth of information and communication technologies.
 The Special Section on Formal Approach aims at stimulating research on formal approach to information systems and embedded systems, ranging from fundamental theory to case studies in practical systems. Our emphasis is put on the cross-fertilization of related research fields and encouragement of young researchers.

1. Topics

The major topics are listed below, but we solicit submissions in all areas of formal approaches, i.e., first to formalize information systems, embedded systems, and their environment, next to analyze their behavior and to derive their properties rigorously, and then to solve various problems in designing and managing the systems.

● Theoretical foundations:

all aspects of theory related to formal description and verification for structure and behavior of systems.

● Formal techniques:

techniques for mainly describing and analyzing systems, such as software, hardware and network.

● Formal tools:

tools based on formal methods such as model checker, theorem prover, and static and dynamic analysis.

● Applications:

practical experiences applying formal methods to information systems and embedded systems.

● Education:

education on formal methods.

2. Submission Instructions

The deadline for submission is July 15, 2015, 23:59 JST(GMT+9). Manuscripts should be carefully prepared according to the guideline in the "Information for Authors" (available at
http://www.ieice.org/eng/shiori/mokuji_iss.html ). The preferred length of the manuscript is 8 pages. Only electronic submission through the web page is accepted.

Submit a complete paper and transfer copyright of the paper using the IEICE Web site

Authors should choose the [Special FO] Formal Approach" as a "Journal/Section" on the online screen.

3. Editorial Committee

   Yoshinobu Kawabe
   Faculty of Information Science,
   Aichi Institute of Technology
   Yachigusa 1247, Yakusa-cho, Toyota, 470-0392, Japan
   FAX: +81-565-48-0509
   e-mail: kawabe(at)aitech.ac.jp
   Hiroyuki Nakagawa (Osaka University)
   Masaki Nakamura (Toyama Prefectural University)
   Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya (Osaka University)
   Toshiaki Aoki (JAIST)
   Hiroshi Hosobe (Hosei University)
   Takeo Imai (Toshiba Corp.)
   Fuyuki Ishikawa (National Institute of Infomatics)
   Koichi Kobayashi (Hokkaido University)
   Hironobu Kuruma (Hitachi, Ltd.)
   Ken Mano (NTT Communication Science Laboratories)

4. Important Dates

Submission Deadline: July 15, 2015 23:59 JST(GMT+9)
First Notification: September 10, 2015
Final Notification: December 18, 2015

5. Further Information

Further information may be obtained from the web page at:
All inquiries should be sent to the guest editor in chief.

6. Important Notice

At least one of the authors must be an IEICE member when the manuscript is submitted for review. For the application of IEICE membership, visit