小田哲久 (Tetsuhisa Oda)


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Research Topics 研究テーマ

Application of Fuzzy-set theory toward psychology.
(1) Development of psychological measurement method defining the fuzzy membership function.
(2) Experimental test of the equations about fuzzy logical operations.
(3) Development of a new psychological measurement method.
Followings are the topics relating to the (3).

ファジィ理論の心理学への応用: ファジィ理論は、概念境界の「あいまい」な事象を数量化するために開発されました。しかし、人文社会科学への応用はまだ余り進んでいません。 当研究室では、(1)ファジィ帰属度関数の心理学的測定法、(2)ファジィ操作の心理学的な妥当性(3)ファジィ理論を応用した新しい心理測定 技法の開発、の3テーマを扱ってきました。このうち、(3)については、「ファジィ多項目並列評定法」(Fuzzy-set Concurrent Rating Method:FCR 法)として具体化し、その技法の基礎理論として「超論理空間モデル」(Hyper Logic Space:HLSモデル)を提案しています。
History of My Research 研究の経歴

I long have been interested in knowing how human beings integrate several pieces of information into one total impression. After I graduated from Waseda University (Doctor course of the Graduate School), I began to study the "impression formation problem" or "information integration theory". These are special research areas of social psychology. In these research areas, several special effects had been found by many investigators' efforts. Through 10 years of research activity, I have found that such effects can be only the illusions caused by some defects of the questionnaire forms employing the traditional rating scale methods. The Rating scale methods are very popular in our daily life. It is always employed in the questionnaire included with products that are purchased. The so-called "5-point scale" or "7-point scale" is a typical rating scale method.

In order to test the hypotheses, I tried applying a variety of models. In all of the models, it seemed to be clear that only the fuzzy-set theoretical models could be acceptable, so I searched and reviewed the psychological papers treating fuzzy-set theory in the experiment.

The review brought rich significant knowledge and the resources to think about the next problems focused after quitting to study the impression formation problems. Especially, I am very impressed that most of the new ideas, occasionally appear in my mind, can be the newest in the world. Usually, it is very annoying and time-wasting tasks for us investigators to check whether our findings are original one or not. But, in about the fuzzy-set theoretical research area, it is almost negligible. Since the Fuzzy-set theory is very young, the possibility of the variations to apply the theory is almost infinitive. After all, I changed the research theme from the traditional "Impression Formation" to the contemporary "Fuzzy-set Theory".

For the first experiment on the fuzzy-set theory, I investigated the correctness of the operation equations used in the fuzzy-set models. Though the equations were proposed in a priori, almost no experimental tests had been done. By conducting the experiments, I confirmed that the fuzzy-set theoretical operation equations could provide a good model of human linguistic behavior. Next, I proposed a new idea to measure the fuzzy membership functions identical to the subjects' linguistic concepts. As a variation of the method to measure the membership functions, I proposed a new idea that was to use the fuzzy-approximation procedure. The new idea was to use the fuzzy-approximate reasoning in predicting the shape of the membership functions.

After the presentation at the workshop of the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, according to the advice of the those who attended, it was reconstructed to a new psychological technique to reveal the subjects' attitudes or opinions more naturally. The new technique was named the "Fuzzy-set Concurrent Rating Method" or FCR-Method by the co-researchers.

The FCR-Method is, in short, a systematic measurement method by separating the traditional bipolar response scale into several (usually two) independent item scales.

For example, the traditional "Good-Bad" scale is, in case, separated into the two scales. One is the monopole "Good" scale, and the other one also the monopole "Bad" scale. The pair of the monopole scales is concurrently used to evaluate the same object. Subjects are instructed to check their responses on each scale independently. The set of responses is summarized to the integrated value and the contradiction-irrelevancy index value.

Recent efforts have been concentrated on developing the measure of the contradictoin or irrelevancy between or among the responses on the concurrently measured independent scales.

Fortunately, the FCR-Method became somewhat popular among researchers who have interests in measuring subjects' attitudes more naturally than using traditional rating scale methods.

Many researchers have helped to develop the FCR-Method. I thank them very much. Especially, Prof. Y. Tsukamoto (Meijo Univ.), Prof. F. Hayashi (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.), Prof. T. Kimura (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.) and Prof.J.Deng (South East Univ. China).





日本ファジィ学会のワークショップで発表した後で、そこに出席していた人々のアドバイスに従って、その技法を、被験者の態度や意見を、より自然に測定するための、心理測定の技法として、構成し直しました。その新技法は、「ファジィ多項目並列評定法」(Fuzzy-Set Concurrent Rating Method:FCR法と略記)と名前をつけました。英語表記には、共同研究者(木村隆、宮本節子両氏)の協力を得ました。 FCR法は、手短にいえば、伝統的な、両極尺度の応答尺度を、幾つかの(通常は2つの)独立の項尺度に分離して測定するシステム化された技法です。例えば、伝統的な、「良い―悪い」尺度の場合は、2つの尺度に分離されます。1つは、単極の「良い」尺度であり、もう一つの尺度も、単極の「悪い」尺度です。それらの、単極尺度のペアは、同じ対象を評価するのに、並列的に使用されます。応答結果からは、統合値と矛盾―無関連度指標が算出されます。




Recent Publications 最近の著書

Do you know Goi village?
By Tetsuhisa Oda and Michiko Oda

Invitation to the Theory of Management Systems, 2012(JAPANESE)

Environmental Change in Management, Accounting, Infiormation,2009(JAPANESE)

Management Information and The Internet, Chuoukeizaisha, 2002 (JAPANESE)


Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing, Kyoritsu Shuppan, 2000 (JAPANESE)

  • 経営システム学研究:「経営システム学への招待」日本評論社
  • 経営情報科学研究:「環境激変と経営・会計・情報」税務経理協会(共著)
  • 情報技術研究:「マネジメント情報とインターネット」中央経済社(共著)
  • 企業行動研究:「企業行動と経営工学」中央経済社(共著)
  • 消費者行動研究:「市場創造のためのマーケット分析法」日刊工業(共著)
  • IT教育研究:「新編 ITの知識と操作」創泉堂(共著)
  • ファジィ理論研究:「ファジィとソフトコンピューティングハンドブック」共立出版(共著)
  • 郷土史研究:「五井を知ってますか」(共著、刊行準備中:概要をここで紹介しています。クリックで入れます。)

Recent Journal Papers 最近の学会誌掲載論文
  • Yu Wang,Wenzhen Shi, Tetsuhisa Oda: Pragmatic Factors Influencing Word Choce: An Examination Based on Corpus and the IR Method, Jouranal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Inteligent Infoirmatics, Vol.15,No.7,2011
  • Tetsuhisa ODA: "A new index to the contradictions between/among observed data sets: An examination using Hyper Logic Space model," Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, Vol.16, No.1, 2004. (JAPANESE)
  • Tetsuhisa ODA: "The Algorithms of Integration for the Fuzzy-Set Concurrent Rating Method: Proposals of New Algorithms and Comparisons Using Numerical Analyses," Journal of Japanese Industrial Management, Vol.51, 93-107, 2000. (JAPANESE)
  • Jianmin.DENG, Motohide UMANO, Tetsuhisa ODA and Yushi UNO: "Some Properties on de Morgan Algebra and Kleene Algebra," Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems, Vol.12, No.2, 2000. (JAPANESE)
  • Tetsuhisa ODA: "A Proposal for Multidimensional Multi valued Logic Space: Hyper Logic Space: Extended Fuzzy-Logic for the Fuzzy-set Concurrent Rating Method," Journal of Japanese Industrial Management, Vol.49, 135-145, 1998. (JAPANESE)
  • Takashi KIMURA and tetsuhisa ODA: "An Examination of an L2 Learning Strategy Inventory Using the Fuzzy-set Concurrent Rating Method," Japanese Journal of Educational Technology, Vol.22, No.3, 1998. (JAPANESE)
  • Fumitishi HAYASHI and Tetsuhisa ODA: "The five factor model of personality traits: An examination based on fuzzy-set theory," The Japanese Journal of Psychology, Vol.66, No.6, 401-408,1996. (JAPANESE)
  • Yu Wang,Wenzhen Shi, Tetsuhisa Oda: Pragmatic Factors Influencing Word Choce: An Examination Based on Corpus and the IR Method, Jouranal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Inteligent Infoirmatics, Vol.15,No.7,2011
  • 小田哲久:複数観測データの間の矛盾度について─超論理空間モデルによる考察─,日本ファジィ学会誌,Vol.16,No.1,pp.70-79, 2004
  • 小田哲久,林文俊:FCR法の心理測定への応用について─新しい定義と実践手続きの提案─,日本経営工学会論文誌,Vol.52, No6, pp396-406, 2002
  • Jianming DENG, Tetsuhisa ODA, Motohide UMANO: Fuzzy Logical Operations in the Two-dimensional Hyper Logical Space Concerning the Fuzzy-set Concurrent Rating Method, Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems, Vol.17, No.2, pp.33-42, 2001
  • 小田哲久:FCR法統合値の新アルゴリズム─提案と数値的分析による比較─,日本経営工学会論文誌,Vol.51, No2, pp.93-107, 2000
  • トウ建明,馬野元秀,小田哲久,宇野裕之: ドモルガン代数とクリーネ代数に関する一考察 ,日本ファジィ学会誌,pp.341-350, 2000
  • 木村隆、小田哲久:FCR法(ファジィ多項目並列評定法)による外国語方略調査の検討、日本教育工学会論文誌,Vol.23,No.3,pp.167-177, 1998
  • 小田哲久:多次元多値論理体系の提案 ―ファジィ論理の多次元的拡張としての超論理空間モデル―,日本経営工学会論文誌,Vol.49, No.3, pp.136-145, 1998
Recent Conference Papers (International) 最近の国際会議研究発表
  • Jianming DENG, Motohide UMANO, Tetsuhisa ODA, Yushi UNO: Some Properties of Fuzzy Logical Operations in the Two-dimensional Logical Space, The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, pp.244-247, 2000
  • T. ODA, J.DENG, T.Kimura and F.Hayashi:" Hyper Logic Space (HLS) Model and its Applications: Multidimensional Logic System as an Extended Fuzzy Logic System and a new Psychological Measurement Method," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 128-135(1998)
  • Jianming DENG, Motohide UMANO, Tetsuhisa ODA, Yushi UNO: Some Properties of Fuzzy Logical Operations in the Two-dimensional Logical Space, The Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, pp.244-247, 2000
  • T. ODA, J.DENG, T.Kimura and F.Hayashi:" Hyper Logic Space (HLS) Model and its Applications: Multidimensional Logic System as an Extended Fuzzy Logic System and a new Psychological Measurement Method," Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 128-135(1998)

Associations I Belong To 所属学会

Japan Association for Management Systems, The Japanese Psychological Association, Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems,Japanese Industrial Managemnet Association, The Operations Research Society in Japan, Japan Association for Management Systems,

日本経営システム学会(副会長2002年〜2007年, 監事2007-2009, 会長2015 〜現在)、日本ファジィ学会、日本心理学会、日本経営工学会、日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会

Profile 略歴
  • Graduated Tokyo Science University in 1971.
  • Studied in Waseda University (Graduate School) from1971 to 1976
  • Assistant professor of Aichi Institute of technology: from 1976 to 1990
  • Associate professor: from 1990 to 2000
  • Professor: from 2000 to the present
  • Ph.D (Engineering) Waseda Univ.
  • Department Chief: from 2002 to 2004
  • Department Sub-Chief from 2008 to 2015
  • President of the Japan Association for Management Systems: from 2015 to the present.
  • 1971 東京理科大学経営工学科卒業
  • 1971 〜 1976 早稲田大学大学院に学ぶ
  • 1976 〜 1990 愛知工業大学工学部経営工学科専任講師
  • 1990 〜 2000 愛知工業大学工学部経営工学科助教授
  • 2000 〜 現在 愛知工業大学経営情報科学部マーケティング学科教授
  • 博士(工学)学位取得(早稲田大学)
  • 2002 〜 2004 愛知工業大学経営情報科学部マーケティング情報学科学科長
  • 2008〜2015 愛知工業大学 経営学部 経営学科 副学科長
  • 2015年 〜 現在,日本経営システム学会会長

Copyright 2016 by Tetsuhisa Oda