Internet Travel Plans for Conversation Practice

Mark Offner

These lessons are designed to encourage students to talk about real life plans that are a product of their own imaginations and ambitions. The worksheets offer structure pointing the students to pertinent information (question help is provided with some worksheets) while providing freedom within the framework of the worksheet to create unique plans. This gives immediacy and authenticity to the students' work stimulating honest discussion. To familiarize yourself with the site, go to "Travel Plans for Conversation Practice" from the home page listed above and click on a destination you would like to use for your lesson.

At this point only Disneyland, St. Louis, and Waikiki are active. Disneyland is the easiest lesson for the student. St. Louis takes the most time. Both the Disneyland and St. Louis worksheets provide question help by clicking on the question number. The students are also directed to the "conversation help" page which provides useful expressions and sample dialogs to help them with negotiating in their discussions. Advanced students can go to "on your own" and do the lesson with little or no teacher assistance. Once you are familiar with the lessons, try making your own tailoring it to your needs. If you'd like, send in the URL and I will link to it.