Top „ Award „ 2019@Winners
Winners of 2019
FIA Honor Award for Science
- Prof. Dr. Proespichaya KANATHARANA (Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla Univ., Thailand)
- gTrace analysis and biosensorh
FIA Award for Science
- EProf. Dr. Takashi YOKOYAMA (Faculty of Science, Okayama Univ. of Science, Japan)
- gStudy on various FIA for ion analysish
- EProf. Dr. Masanobu MORI (Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi Univ., Japan)
- gStudy on analytical methods of inorganic species in water and soil combining flow
and separation techniquesh
- EAssoc. Prof. Dr. Hana SKLENAOVA (Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles Univ., Czech
- gSequential injection analysis and its applications to automate sample pretreatment
and to monitor long-term processesh
FIA Award for Younger Researchers
- EAssoc. Prof. Dr. Rodjana BURAKHAM (Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand)
- gSample preparation for hyphenated analytical techniquesh
- EMrs. Chikako CHEONG (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sci. and Tech., Japan)
- gA study on improving accuracy and reliability for analysis of seawater nutrients by
continuous flow analysish
- EAssoc. Prof. Dr. Irina Igorevna TIMOFEEVA (Institute of Chemistry, St. Petersburg State Univ.,
- gAutomated sample pretreatment techniques based on flow systemsh
FIA Award for Technical Development
- Mr. Katsuhisa SHIMADA (Aqualab Co., Ltd., Japan)
- "Development of automated on-line flow injection analysis system for on-site analysis"