Word Stress & Function Words

This lesson begins at 0:54.
0:00 -- Theme Song, etc.
0:24 -”Today I’m going to talk about …”
0:43 -- “So this video is just going to be …”
0:54 -- 1. Articles: a, the -- Do you have the time?
1:15 -- 2. Auxiliary Verbs (Helping Verbs)
1:25 -- 2a. Passive Voce: “The wall was painted yesterday.”
1:58 -- 2b Progressive Verb: “You are speaking too fast.”
2:33 -- 2c Perfect Tense: “She has given up.”
3:08 -- 2d Modal Verbs -- can, could, might -- “I can go tomorrow.”
3:38 -- 3. Prepositions -- with, on, beside
3:45 -- 4. Pronouns -- she, we, …
4:13 -- 5. Conjunction -- and, but, if, …
4:40 -- Review
5:00 -- Examples taken from movies and TV programs.