About the Schwa /ə/ Sound and Its Spellings

This lesson begins at 1:28 and ends at 5:57.
She says that the schwa sound can be the “short u,” “short i,” or “short e.”

(The video show pronunciation one way. I have written the words in IPA below as shown in the New Oxford American Dictionary. If you have a unicode font installed, you should be able to see it properly)
1:28 -- General Information
2:52 -- About Emphasis (stressed syllables / accented syllables)
4:30 -- Examples
4:35 -- a spelling
again |əˈgɛn|
vitamin |ˈvaɪdəmən|
5:11 -- e spelling
electric |əˈlɛktrɪk| |iˈlɛktrɪk| (*Note: There is more than one way to say this word.)
celebrate |ˈsɛləˈbreɪt|
5:24 -- i spelling
president |ˈprɛz(ə)dənt| |ˈprɛzədnt| |ˈprɛzəˈdɛnt| (* She pronounces it the 3rd way.)
experiement |ɪkˈspɛrəmənt| |ɛkˈspɛrəmənt|
5:35 -- o spelling
occur |əˈkər|
condition |kənˈdɪʃən|
5:46 -- u spelling
umbrella |ˈəmˈbrɛlə|
support |səˈpɔrt|
5:57 -- End