2281869 eng Why doesn't Tom like us? CK 1
2281868 eng Why doesn't Tom know that? CK 1
2281867 eng Why doesn't that bother you? CK 1
2281865 eng Why doesn't anybody help Tom? CK 1
2273960 eng Why doesn't Tom talk? CK 1
2273959 eng Why doesn't Tom answer? CK 1
2215336 eng Why doesn't anybody answer? CK 1
2092476 eng Why doesn't anyone listen to me? CK 1
2092475 eng Why doesn't anyone believe me? CK 1
2033488 eng Why doesn't Tom want you here? CK 1
2028440 eng Why doesn't Tom want to hang out with us? CK 1
2014389 eng Why doesn't Tom want to see me? CK 1
2013692 eng Why doesn't Tom want us over? CK 1
2012763 eng Why doesn't Tom want to go? CK 1
1847744 eng Why doesn't Tom like to eat fish? CK 1
381944 eng Why doesn't he come back? ver
931379 eng Why doesn't he tell the truth? FeuDRenais
1707540 eng Why doesn't that surprise me? charlotte13
1813921 eng Why doesn't he think about me anymore? Amastan
1813925 eng Why doesn't he care about me anymore? Amastan
1813929 eng Why doesn't he smile at me anymore? Amastan
1813933 eng Why doesn't he play with me anymore? Amastan
1813937 eng Why doesn't he eat with me anymore? Amastan
1813941 eng Why doesn't he love me anymore? Amastan
1813945 eng Why doesn't he work with me anymore? Amastan
1813949 eng Why doesn't he send me letters anymore? Amastan
1813953 eng Why doesn't he give me presents anymore? Amastan
1813957 eng Why doesn't he help me anymore? Amastan
1813961 eng Why doesn't he visit me anymore? Amastan
1813965 eng Why doesn't he call me anymore? Amastan
1813975 eng Why doesn't he eat lunch with me anymore? Amastan
1813979 eng Why doesn't he eat dinner with me anymore? Amastan
1813983 eng Why doesn't he watch movies with me anymore? Amastan
1813987 eng Why doesn't he dance with me anymore? Amastan
1813991 eng Why doesn't he hug me anymore? Amastan
1813995 eng Why doesn't he exercise with me anymore? Amastan
1813999 eng Why doesn't he kiss me anymore? Amastan
1814006 eng Why doesn't he tell me jokes anymore? Amastan
1814010 eng Why doesn't he sit with me anymore? Amastan
2281866 eng Why doesn't he subpoena them? CK
2543281 eng Why doesn't Tom like Boston? CK
2544486 eng Why doesn't Tom like Mary? CK
2545677 eng Why doesn't Tom like me? CK
2549972 eng Why doesn't Tom like this hotel? sharptoothed
2681662 eng Why doesn't anybody help Tom? iainmb93