1747536	eng	When was the last time you drove Tom's car?	Amastan	1
2451123	eng	When was the last time you heard French being spoken?	CK	1
2050683	eng	When was the last time you played a board game?	CK	1
2050694	eng	When was the last time you played an acoustic guitar?	CK	1
2050670	eng	When was the last time you played lacrosse?	CK	1
2426437	eng	When was the last time you saw Tom smile?	CK	1
1092115	eng	When was the last time you saw Tom?	CK	1
1092114	eng	When was the last time you talked to Tom?	CK	1
2486606	eng	When was the last time you went to the beach?	CK	1
2006390	eng	When was the last time you worked with Tom?	CK	1
1747522	eng	When was the last time you accepted a gift?	Amastan
1748031	eng	When was the last time you angered your mother?	Amastan
1747634	eng	When was the last time you answered the phone?	Amastan
1747733	eng	When was the last time you argued with your wife?	Amastan
954617	eng	When was the last time you ate a burrito?	CK
954618	eng	When was the last time you ate a home-cooked dinner?	CK
954619	eng	When was the last time you ate dinner with your parents?	CK
1747679	eng	When was the last time you ate mutton?	Amastan
2630526	eng	When was the last time you ate paella?	meerkat
954620	eng	When was the last time you ate shrimp?	CK
1747786	eng	When was the last time you attended a conference?	Amastan
1748037	eng	When was the last time you baked a cake?	Amastan
1747636	eng	When was the last time you borrowed books from the library?	Amastan
1747568	eng	When was the last time you bought shoes?	Amastan
1747736	eng	When was the last time you broke your glasses?	Amastan
1747548	eng	When was the last time you brushed your teeth?	Amastan
1747525	eng	When was the last time you called Mary?	Amastan
1747716	eng	When was the last time you came to visit daddy?	Amastan
1747556	eng	When was the last time you caught a fish?	Amastan
1747722	eng	When was the last time you changed your password?	Amastan
1747803	eng	When was the last time you chewed tobacco?	Amastan
1747740	eng	When was the last time you climbed a mountain?	Amastan
1747709	eng	When was the last time you combed your hair?	Amastan
1747608	eng	When was the last time you cooked?	Amastan
1747754	eng	When was the last time you cried?	Amastan
1751310	eng	When was the last time you crossed a river?	Amastan
1747573	eng	When was the last time you cut your nails?	Amastan
1747602	eng	When was the last time you danced?	Amastan
1748125	eng	When was the last time you did the dishes?	Amastan
1747663	eng	When was the last time you exercised?	Amastan
1747713	eng	When was the last time you fasted?	Amastan
1747644	eng	When was the last time you fed the cows?	Amastan
1747682	eng	When was the last time you fished?	Amastan
1747966	eng	When was the last time you found money on the street?	Amastan
1747824	eng	When was the last time you fried an egg?	Amastan
2794536	eng	When was the last time you gave flowers to your wife?	CK
1748083	eng	When was the last time you got drunk?	Amastan
1747805	eng	When was the last time you grilled meat?	Amastan
1748009	eng	When was the last time you had a nap?	Amastan
1747659	eng	When was the last time you had a nightmare?	Amastan
623199	eng	When was the last time you had a really good cry?	darinmex
1748012	eng	When was the last time you had a rest?	Amastan
1748005	eng	When was the last time you had an accident?	Amastan
1748087	eng	When was the last time you had dinner with your wife?	Amastan
1748089	eng	When was the last time you had lunch out?	Amastan
1751318	eng	When was the last time you had your hair cut?	Amastan
1747997	eng	When was the last time you heard Tom talking about Mary?	Amastan
1747686	eng	When was the last time you helped your wife?	Amastan
1747819	eng	When was the last time you hunted?	Amastan
1748091	eng	When was the last time you ironed your clothes?	Amastan
1748102	eng	When was the last time you jogged?	Amastan
1747720	eng	When was the last time you killed a mouse?	Amastan
1747674	eng	When was the last time you kissed your wife?	Amastan
1747730	eng	When was the last time you laughed?	Amastan
1747856	eng	When was the last time you left work early?	Amastan
1747774	eng	When was the last time you listened to this song?	Amastan
1751324	eng	When was the last time you lost your keys?	Amastan
1748110	eng	When was the last time you made a cake? 	Amastan
1747808	eng	When was the last time you made a dress?	Amastan
1747756	eng	When was the last time you made Mary cry?	Amastan
1748119	eng	When was the last time you made your bed?	Amastan
1747677	eng	When was the last time you made your wife happy?	Amastan
1747758	eng	When was the last time you massaged your legs?	Amastan
1747745	eng	When was the last time you milked a cow?	Amastan
1751312	eng	When was the last time you missed the train?	Amastan
1747592	eng	When was the last time you mopped the room?	Amastan
1747703	eng	When was the last time you paid a fine?	Amastan
1747762	eng	When was the last time you painted your house?	Amastan
1747559	eng	When was the last time you parked your car here?	Amastan
1747545	eng	When was the last time you played soccer?	Amastan
2639968	eng	When was the last time you played tennis with Tom?	CK
1748127	eng	When was the last time you played violin?	Amastan
1748041	eng	When was the last time you plucked a chicken?	Amastan
1747711	eng	When was the last time you prayed?	Amastan
2630512	eng	When was the last time you read a book?	meerkat
1747989	eng	When was the last time you received a letter from Tom?	Amastan
1751321	eng	When was the last time you received treatment?	Amastan
1747562	eng	When was the last time you recruited workers?	Amastan
1747695	eng	When was the last time you rented a house?	Amastan
1748067	eng	When was the last time you rode a horse?	Amastan
1747779	eng	When was the last time you sang?	Amastan
1789259	eng	When was the last time you saw her?	Spamster
1789258	eng	When was the last time you saw him?	Spamster
1789260	eng	When was the last time you saw the cat?	Spamster
2640323	eng	When was the last time you saw Tom at school?	CK
2639923	eng	When was the last time you saw Tom ride a unicycle?	CK
2640247	eng	When was the last time you saw Tom wear a tie?	CK
2735284	eng	When was the last time you saw your children?	Hybrid
1748039	eng	When was the last time you sharpened this knife?	Amastan
1747639	eng	When was the last time you slaughtered a sheep?	Amastan
1747552	eng	When was the last time you slept in this room?	Amastan
1748107	eng	When was the last time you smelled gas in this room?	Amastan
1747728	eng	When was the last time you smiled at your wife?	Amastan
1748080	eng	When was the last time you smoked a cigarette?	Amastan
1747765	eng	When was the last time you sold a car?	Amastan
1748130	eng	When was the last time you spent time on Facebook?	Amastan
1747718	eng	When was the last time you squashed a spider?	Amastan
1747951	eng	When was the last time you stayed at a hotel?	Amastan
1747577	eng	When was the last time you swam?	Amastan
1747830	eng	When was the last time you switched on this machine?	Amastan
1747632	eng	When was the last time you talked to Mary?	Amastan
1747705	eng	When was the last time you taught driving?	Amastan
1751316	eng	When was the last time you threw a party?	Amastan
1748053	eng	When was the last time you tidied your room?	Amastan
954621	eng	When was the last time you told your wife she was beautiful?	CK
1747692	eng	When was the last time you took a shower?	Amastan
1748133	eng	When was the last time you took the subway?	Amastan
1747993	eng	When was the last time you touched snow?	Amastan
1747835	eng	When was the last time you translated a book?	Amastan
1748035	eng	When was the last time you treated a patient?	Amastan
1748033	eng	When was the last time you upset your father?	Amastan
1747684	eng	When was the last time you used this dictionary?	Amastan
1747629	eng	When was the last time you visited your grandmother?	Amastan
1747801	eng	When was the last time you voted?	Amastan
1747581	eng	When was the last time you washed the car?	Amastan
1748140	eng	When was the last time you watched a movie?	Amastan
1747595	eng	When was the last time you went hunting?	Amastan
1553311	eng	When was the last time you were angry?	CK
2640581	eng	When was the last time you were in Boston?	CK
2630517	eng	When was the last time you were on a date?	meerkat
1747794	eng	When was the last time you were on TV?	Amastan
1747799	eng	When was the last time you were sick?	Amastan
1747986	eng	When was the last time you withdrew money?	Amastan
1748150	eng	When was the last time you won a prize?	Amastan
1748142	eng	When was the last time you wore a coat?	Amastan
1748146	eng	When was the last time you wore your earrings?	Amastan

Sentence Pattern: When was the last time you ... ?

Click the [T] to jump to tatoeba.org.

  1. [T] [M] When was the last time you drove Tom's car? (Amastan)
  2. [T] [M] When was the last time you heard French being spoken? (CK)
  3. [T] [M] When was the last time you played a board game? (CK)
  4. [T] [M] When was the last time you played an acoustic guitar? (CK)
  5. [T] [M] When was the last time you played lacrosse? (CK)
  6. [T] [M] When was the last time you saw Tom smile? (CK)
  7. [T] [M] When was the last time you saw Tom? (CK)
  8. [T] [M] When was the last time you talked to Tom? (CK)
  9. [T] [M] When was the last time you went to the beach? (CK)
  10. [T] [M] When was the last time you worked with Tom? (CK)
  11. [T] When was the last time you accepted a gift? (Amastan)
  12. [T] When was the last time you angered your mother? (Amastan)
  13. [T] When was the last time you answered the phone? (Amastan)
  14. [T] When was the last time you argued with your wife? (Amastan)
  15. [T] When was the last time you ate a burrito? (CK)
  16. [T] When was the last time you ate a home-cooked dinner? (CK)
  17. [T] When was the last time you ate dinner with your parents? (CK)
  18. [T] When was the last time you ate mutton? (Amastan)
  19. [T] When was the last time you ate paella? (meerkat)
  20. [T] When was the last time you ate shrimp? (CK)
  21. [T] When was the last time you attended a conference? (Amastan)
  22. [T] When was the last time you baked a cake? (Amastan)
  23. [T] When was the last time you borrowed books from the library? (Amastan)
  24. [T] When was the last time you bought shoes? (Amastan)
  25. [T] When was the last time you broke your glasses? (Amastan)
  26. [T] When was the last time you brushed your teeth? (Amastan)
  27. [T] When was the last time you called Mary? (Amastan)
  28. [T] When was the last time you came to visit daddy? (Amastan)
  29. [T] When was the last time you caught a fish? (Amastan)
  30. [T] When was the last time you changed your password? (Amastan)
  31. [T] When was the last time you chewed tobacco? (Amastan)
  32. [T] When was the last time you climbed a mountain? (Amastan)
  33. [T] When was the last time you combed your hair? (Amastan)
  34. [T] When was the last time you cooked? (Amastan)
  35. [T] When was the last time you cried? (Amastan)
  36. [T] When was the last time you crossed a river? (Amastan)
  37. [T] When was the last time you cut your nails? (Amastan)
  38. [T] When was the last time you danced? (Amastan)
  39. [T] When was the last time you did the dishes? (Amastan)
  40. [T] When was the last time you exercised? (Amastan)
  41. [T] When was the last time you fasted? (Amastan)
  42. [T] When was the last time you fed the cows? (Amastan)
  43. [T] When was the last time you fished? (Amastan)
  44. [T] When was the last time you found money on the street? (Amastan)
  45. [T] When was the last time you fried an egg? (Amastan)
  46. [T] When was the last time you gave flowers to your wife? (CK)
  47. [T] When was the last time you got drunk? (Amastan)
  48. [T] When was the last time you grilled meat? (Amastan)
  49. [T] When was the last time you had a nap? (Amastan)
  50. [T] When was the last time you had a nightmare? (Amastan)
  51. [T] When was the last time you had a really good cry? (darinmex)
  52. [T] When was the last time you had a rest? (Amastan)
  53. [T] When was the last time you had an accident? (Amastan)
  54. [T] When was the last time you had dinner with your wife? (Amastan)
  55. [T] When was the last time you had lunch out? (Amastan)
  56. [T] When was the last time you had your hair cut? (Amastan)
  57. [T] When was the last time you heard Tom talking about Mary? (Amastan)
  58. [T] When was the last time you helped your wife? (Amastan)
  59. [T] When was the last time you hunted? (Amastan)
  60. [T] When was the last time you ironed your clothes? (Amastan)
  61. [T] When was the last time you jogged? (Amastan)
  62. [T] When was the last time you killed a mouse? (Amastan)
  63. [T] When was the last time you kissed your wife? (Amastan)
  64. [T] When was the last time you laughed? (Amastan)
  65. [T] When was the last time you left work early? (Amastan)
  66. [T] When was the last time you listened to this song? (Amastan)
  67. [T] When was the last time you lost your keys? (Amastan)
  68. [T] When was the last time you made a cake? (Amastan)
  69. [T] When was the last time you made a dress? (Amastan)
  70. [T] When was the last time you made Mary cry? (Amastan)
  71. [T] When was the last time you made your bed? (Amastan)
  72. [T] When was the last time you made your wife happy? (Amastan)
  73. [T] When was the last time you massaged your legs? (Amastan)
  74. [T] When was the last time you milked a cow? (Amastan)
  75. [T] When was the last time you missed the train? (Amastan)
  76. [T] When was the last time you mopped the room? (Amastan)
  77. [T] When was the last time you paid a fine? (Amastan)
  78. [T] When was the last time you painted your house? (Amastan)
  79. [T] When was the last time you parked your car here? (Amastan)
  80. [T] When was the last time you played soccer? (Amastan)
  81. [T] When was the last time you played tennis with Tom? (CK)
  82. [T] When was the last time you played violin? (Amastan)
  83. [T] When was the last time you plucked a chicken? (Amastan)
  84. [T] When was the last time you prayed? (Amastan)
  85. [T] When was the last time you read a book? (meerkat)
  86. [T] When was the last time you received a letter from Tom? (Amastan)
  87. [T] When was the last time you received treatment? (Amastan)
  88. [T] When was the last time you recruited workers? (Amastan)
  89. [T] When was the last time you rented a house? (Amastan)
  90. [T] When was the last time you rode a horse? (Amastan)
  91. [T] When was the last time you sang? (Amastan)
  92. [T] When was the last time you saw her? (Spamster)
  93. [T] When was the last time you saw him? (Spamster)
  94. [T] When was the last time you saw the cat? (Spamster)
  95. [T] When was the last time you saw Tom at school? (CK)
  96. [T] When was the last time you saw Tom ride a unicycle? (CK)
  97. [T] When was the last time you saw Tom wear a tie? (CK)
  98. [T] When was the last time you saw your children? (Hybrid)
  99. [T] When was the last time you sharpened this knife? (Amastan)
  100. [T] When was the last time you slaughtered a sheep? (Amastan)
  101. [T] When was the last time you slept in this room? (Amastan)
  102. [T] When was the last time you smelled gas in this room? (Amastan)
  103. [T] When was the last time you smiled at your wife? (Amastan)
  104. [T] When was the last time you smoked a cigarette? (Amastan)
  105. [T] When was the last time you sold a car? (Amastan)
  106. [T] When was the last time you spent time on Facebook? (Amastan)
  107. [T] When was the last time you squashed a spider? (Amastan)
  108. [T] When was the last time you stayed at a hotel? (Amastan)
  109. [T] When was the last time you swam? (Amastan)
  110. [T] When was the last time you switched on this machine? (Amastan)
  111. [T] When was the last time you talked to Mary? (Amastan)
  112. [T] When was the last time you taught driving? (Amastan)
  113. [T] When was the last time you threw a party? (Amastan)
  114. [T] When was the last time you tidied your room? (Amastan)
  115. [T] When was the last time you told your wife she was beautiful? (CK)
  116. [T] When was the last time you took a shower? (Amastan)
  117. [T] When was the last time you took the subway? (Amastan)
  118. [T] When was the last time you touched snow? (Amastan)
  119. [T] When was the last time you translated a book? (Amastan)
  120. [T] When was the last time you treated a patient? (Amastan)
  121. [T] When was the last time you upset your father? (Amastan)
  122. [T] When was the last time you used this dictionary? (Amastan)
  123. [T] When was the last time you visited your grandmother? (Amastan)
  124. [T] When was the last time you voted? (Amastan)
  125. [T] When was the last time you washed the car? (Amastan)
  126. [T] When was the last time you watched a movie? (Amastan)
  127. [T] When was the last time you went hunting? (Amastan)
  128. [T] When was the last time you were angry? (CK)
  129. [T] When was the last time you were in Boston? (CK)
  130. [T] When was the last time you were on a date? (meerkat)
  131. [T] When was the last time you were on TV? (Amastan)
  132. [T] When was the last time you were sick? (Amastan)
  133. [T] When was the last time you withdrew money? (Amastan)
  134. [T] When was the last time you won a prize? (Amastan)
  135. [T] When was the last time you wore a coat? (Amastan)
  136. [T] When was the last time you wore your earrings? (Amastan)