(SciFinder 2016年2月25日現在) |
1. Times Cited: 167
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Cerium(IV) Oxide,
M. Hirano and E. Kato,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 79 [3] 777-80 (1996) |
2. Times Cited: 140
Preparation of Stable Anatase-Type TiO2 and Its Photocatalytic Performance,
M. Inagaki, Y. Nakazawa, M. Hirano, Y. Kobayashi, and M. Toyoda,
Int. J. Inorg. Mater., 3 [7] 809-811 (2001). |
3. Times Cited: 137
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Cerium(IV) Oxide Powders,
M. Hirano and E. Kato,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82, 786-88 (1999) |
4. Times Cited: 128
Photoactivity and Phase Stability of ZrO2-Doped Anatase-Type TiO2 Directly Formed as Nanometer-Sized Particles by Hydrolysis und Hydrothermal Conditions,
M. Hirano, C. Nakahara, K. Ota, O. TanaikeE, and M. Inagaki,
J. Solid State Chem., 170, [1] 39-47 (2003). |
5. Times Cited: 107
Preparation of Monodispersed Cerium(IV) Oxide Particles by Thermal Hydrolysis: Influence of the Presence of Urea and Gd Doping on Their Morphology and Growth,
M. Hirano and M. Inagaki,
J. Mater. Chem., 10 [2] 473-78 (2000) |
6. Times Cited: 104
Effect of Crystallinity of Anatase on Photoactivity for Methyleneblue Decomposition in Water,
M. Toyoda, Y. Nanbu, Y. Nakazawa, M. Hirano, and M. Inagaki,
Appl. Catal. B: Environ., 49, 227-232 (2004). |
7. Times Cited: 91
Carbon Foams Prepared from Polyimide Using Urethane Foam Template,
M. Inagaki, T. Morishita, A. Kuno, T. Kito, M. Hirano, T. Suwa, and K. Kusakawa,
Carbon, 42, 497-502 (2004) |
8. Times Cited: 75
Direct Formation of Anatase (TiO2) / Silica (SiO2) Composite Nanoparticles
with High Phase Stability of 1300°C from Acidic Solution by Hydrolysis
under Hydrothermal Condition,
M. Hirano, K. Ota, and H. Iwata,
Chem. Mater., 16 [19] 3725-3732 (2004) |
9. Times Cited: 69
Direct Formation of Zirconia-Doped Titania with Stable Anatase-Type Structure by Thermal Hydrolysis,
M. Hirano, C. Nakahara, K. Ota, and M. Inagaki,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85 [5] 1333-1335 (2002). |
10. Times Cited: 68
Preparation and Spherical Agglomeration of Crystalline Cerium (IV) Oxide Nanoparticles by Thermal Hydrolysis,
M. Hirano, Y. Fukuda, H. Iwata, Y. Hotta and M. Inagaki,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83 [5] 1287-89 (2000)
11. Times Cited: 60
Preparation and Performance of Anatase-Loaded Porous Carbon for Water Purification,
M. Toyoda, Y. Nanbu, T. Kito, M.Hirano, and M. Inagaki,
Desalination 159, 273-282 (2003). |
12. Times Cited: 59
Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of ZnGa2O4 Spinel Fine Particles,”
M. Hirano,
J. Mater. Chem., 10 [2] 469-72 (2000) |
13. Times Cited: 56
Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of Anatase-Mounted Natural Porous Silica, Pumice, by Hydrolysis under hydrothermal Conditions,”
X.-Y. Chuan, M.Hirano, and M.Inagaki,
Appl. Catal. B: Environ. 51, 255-260 (2004). |
14. Times Cited: 56
Direct Formation of Fe(III)-doped TiO2 (Anatase) by Thermal Hydrolysis and Its Structural and Optical Properties,
M.Hirano, T. Joji, M. Inagaki, and H. Iwata,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 87 [1] 35-41 (2004). |
15. Times Cited: 54
Inhibition of Low Temperature Degradation of Tetragonal Zirconia Ceramics - a Review,
M. Hirano,
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16. Times Cited: 53
The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ultrafine Ceriumu(IV) Oxide Powders,
M. Hirano and E. Kato,
J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 15, 1249-50 (1996) |
17. Times Cited: 52
Effect of Bi2O3 Additives in Sc stabilized Zirconia Electrolyte on a Stability of Crystal Phase and Electrolyte Properties,”
M. Hirano, T. Oda, K. Ukai and Y. Mizutani,
Solid State Ionics, 158, [3-4] 215-223 (2003). |
18. Times Cited: 52
Preparation of of ZnGa2O4 Spinel Fine Particles by Hydrothermal Method,
M. Hirano, M. Imai, and M. Inagaki,
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 83 [4] 977-79 (2000) |
19. Time Cited: 51
Low Temperature Direct Synthesis of Nanoparticles of Fluorite-Type Ceria-Zirconia Solid Solutions by “Forced Co-hydrolysis” at 100?C,”
M. Hirano, T. Miwa, and M. Inagaki,
J. Solid State Chem., 158 [1] 112-17 (2001). |
20. Times Cited: 39
Fabrication, Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Sc2O3-Doped Tetragonal Zirconia Ceramics,
M. Hirano, S. Watanabe, E. Kato, Y. Mizutani, M. Kawai, and Y. Nakamura,
Solid State Ionics, 111 [1-2]161-69 (1998) |